Thursday, March 6, 2008

Snow Babies

The kids love to go outside and play in the snow! They had so much fun pulling each other on sleds.

Watch out for the Apes!!!

This is the Rainforest Cafe in the MGM Grand Hotel. The food was a little expensive, but we had fun. We ate with Kaye and Brent. It was pretty hilarious. I didn't realize that Kaye was so frightened of Gorillas. When Teneal and Kaye went up to look at them closer, I snuck up behind them and made some Gorilla sounds. It scared Kaye to death!!!!

Rainforest Cafe

We also ate at this restaurant called the Rainforest Cafe. The food wasn't that great this time we ate there and kind of expensive. We go for the atmosphere because it is like eating in a rainforest. We had a good time.

Belagio, Las Vegas

I always love to take Teneal to the Belagio. Even though it was cold out side, it is still an amazing site to see. I don't know why Las Vegas has been our favorite place to vacation at, but we love to go there.